San Diego Social Leagues

The Importance of a Healthy Company Culture

Recently I have heard and read a lot of business analysts and strategists discuss how important company culture is; I most certainly agree. We have gone from company engagement to personal employee day to day enjoyment being the leading indicator that leads to a stronger company culture. We have seen the landscapes of offices change (popularly introduced by Google) to where the emotional satisfaction and health of your team is vital to the collective performance of your business. It all makes too mush sense. So much in fact that looking back it wasn’t an “a ha” moment but more of a DUH!

Corporate sports leagues exist all over. They are designed to offer an outlet for exercise as well as the somewhat serendipitous effects of team building, creativity spawning and sense of community establishing healthy bonds that lead to production and growth.

One of the issues with corporate leagues that I have noticed is that typically the team’s rosters are filled with a player selection from a small talent pool. In order to enlarge the talent pool, I believe it necessary to create game play handicapping systems and rules that lessen the barrier of entry for participants on the fence and/or maybe just needed a little piece of mind that A, they will be physically safe and B, they won’t make fools of themselves (It’s o.k. if you do cause it’s supposed to just be fun….a lot of fun!) before giving it a go.

San Diego Social Leagues is currently in the works to organize and manage a variety or programs that anyone, at any ability or experience level can participate in. We are formatting softball leagues to make it easier for less skilled batters to hit and other rules that keep the game moving and play balanced. Kickball is a great game for anyone. Futsal and walking soccer (particularly for senior employees) are great too!! We have recently partnered with Boomers and will be arranging outings, tournaments and leagues for mini golf as well as batting cage access (other amenities include bumper boats, go-karts and arcade games). Nothing is better at taking out some pent-up frustrations on same baseballs or softballs!

We are looking forward to serving the San Diego business communities and doing our part to strengthen the attraction for employees to work for great companies and reduce turnover, improve engagement and overall day to day enjoyment of your salient assets, human resources.

If you would like to inquire further about upcoming leagues or unique event builds for your company, reach out. I can be best reached via email at

“Building Community Through Sports, Social & Charitable Events”